Attention New MLMers: Avoid These Online/OffLine MLM Marketing Start-Up Pit Fall's
Posted by Roger Smith
Contrary to many of the popular beliefs that are floating around out there (or what most MLM people would prefer to believe), online MLM marketing campaign is somehow different from an offline MLM marketing campaign. You can not try to apply the same successful offline MLM campaign online and hope that it will be as successful online.
Understand that there is only one difference between offline and online MLM marketing: a one-on-one approach versus one-to-many approach. With offline marketing, one-on-one approach and follow up on each lead is a crucial. If you can follow up with a prospective lead and inform them about your MLM business, congradlations you are on your way to having a large and possible successful downline. If not, you'll have to pick yourself up off the ground and try your luck with the next prospect that comes your way.
Online marketing on the other hand, relies very little on one-on-one follow up. With the power of the internet, it is possible to find people who are already interested in MLM, willing to spend money and learn about your MLM program all automatically. This way it is possible for you to have many prospective leads at the same time, train them all at the same time and therefore makes your chances of recruiting prospects significantly bigger.
To be successful with online MLM marketing, it is best to know first what to avoid. Here are some ways most people are going about marketing their online MLM program the wrong way:
1. Marketing an Online MLM with Offline Media
By offline media, I mean magazines or newspapers you usually subscribe to or sold on bookstores. Some people may think that if they promote their MLM program in TIME magazine or Wall Street Journal, they will instantly get thousands of leads who will easily turn into downlines.
2. Marketing an Online MLM with Classified Ads
There are two reasons why this is a bad move: First, because there are now literally thousands of classified ads sites on the internet. None of them is a major player in the field, which means you must try to post to all of them for maximum exposure. The chance of the right kind of lead seeing your ad in the right time and the right mood is very slim if you try this approach.
3. Marketing online MLM with Safelists
Unlike online classified ads sites, there are not as many free safelist sites out there. The companies who run safelist sites has actually spent the time to collect the names and email addresses of people interested in a specific topic (in our case MLM/online business) and these people are willing to receive offers related to their interest.
Unfortunately, when you put your ads in these safelists using their free trial mode (most of them offer free trials), your ads will only go out to the other advertisers who are also using free trial mode. In other words, your ad will only go out to other persons who are posting ads themselves. These people don't expext to read ads from other advertisers. That's why most of them use disposable email addresses like yahoo, hotmail or the like. Your ad will stand almost zero possibility of being read, let alone acted upon.
After looking at the wrong ways to do online MLM marketing, let's take a look at the correct ways of doing it below:
1. Marketing an Online MLM with Ezine's
An ezine is an electronic publication sent out by its publishers on a timely basis via email to its readers. Readers of MLM/Internet business ralated ezines are very interested in the topic, and they are a very responsive market to your MLM ads. Your ads will be put before/after or between articles, depending on how much money you are willing to pay.
Put your ads in one of the MLM/Internet business related ezines, and you are guaranteed many qualified leads who will be easy to convert into downlines if your MLM company has a good follow up system.
2. Marketing an Online MLM with Pay Per Click
This is one of the most powerful online MLM promotion method known today. Well known search engines such as Google set aside a portion of their search result page to be used by paid advertisers to put their ads on. For every "click" to your site, you must pay a certain amount of money (starting from as little as 5 cents).
With this marketing method, your MLM promotional ad can show up on the search result page of Google if somebody types in MLM related queries in the search box. Imagine the power of it. A lead wanting to join an MLM program, typing in the word "MLM program" into Google, and reads your ad when the search results are displayed. Will he click to find out more? Most likely.
Most of the wrong ways of doing online MLM marketing are free methods. Avoid this seemingly money free methods. They seem to be free at the first glance, but in the end they bring you very little result and consume very much of your time.
All of the right ways of doing online MLM marketing are paid methods. Most beginners in MLM try to avoid these methods, yet they bring in the most result with no wasted time on your part.