Attention New MLMers: Avoid These Online/OffLine MLM Marketing Start-Up Pit Fall's  

Posted by Roger Smith

Contrary to many of the popular beliefs that are floating around out there (or what most MLM people would prefer to believe), online MLM marketing campaign is somehow different from an offline MLM marketing campaign. You can not try to apply the same successful offline MLM campaign online and hope that it will be as successful online.

Understand that there is only one difference between offline and online MLM marketing: a one-on-one approach versus one-to-many approach. With offline marketing, one-on-one approach and follow up on each lead is a crucial. If you can follow up with a prospective lead and inform them about your MLM business, congradlations you are on your way to having a large and possible successful downline. If not, you'll have to pick yourself up off the ground and try your luck with the next prospect that comes your way.

Online marketing on the other hand, relies very little on one-on-one follow up. With the power of the internet, it is possible to find people who are already interested in MLM, willing to spend money and learn about your MLM program all automatically. This way it is possible for you to have many prospective leads at the same time, train them all at the same time and therefore makes your chances of recruiting prospects significantly bigger.

To be successful with online MLM marketing, it is best to know first what to avoid. Here are some ways most people are going about marketing their online MLM program the wrong way:

1. Marketing an Online MLM with Offline Media

By offline media, I mean magazines or newspapers you usually subscribe to or sold on bookstores. Some people may think that if they promote their MLM program in TIME magazine or Wall Street Journal, they will instantly get thousands of leads who will easily turn into downlines.

2. Marketing an Online MLM with Classified Ads

There are two reasons why this is a bad move: First, because there are now literally thousands of classified ads sites on the internet. None of them is a major player in the field, which means you must try to post to all of them for maximum exposure. The chance of the right kind of lead seeing your ad in the right time and the right mood is very slim if you try this approach.

3. Marketing online MLM with Safelists

Unlike online classified ads sites, there are not as many free safelist sites out there. The companies who run safelist sites has actually spent the time to collect the names and email addresses of people interested in a specific topic (in our case MLM/online business) and these people are willing to receive offers related to their interest.

Unfortunately, when you put your ads in these safelists using their free trial mode (most of them offer free trials), your ads will only go out to the other advertisers who are also using free trial mode. In other words, your ad will only go out to other persons who are posting ads themselves. These people don't expext to read ads from other advertisers. That's why most of them use disposable email addresses like yahoo, hotmail or the like. Your ad will stand almost zero possibility of being read, let alone acted upon.

After looking at the wrong ways to do online MLM marketing, let's take a look at the correct ways of doing it below:

1. Marketing an Online MLM with Ezine's

An ezine is an electronic publication sent out by its publishers on a timely basis via email to its readers. Readers of MLM/Internet business ralated ezines are very interested in the topic, and they are a very responsive market to your MLM ads. Your ads will be put before/after or between articles, depending on how much money you are willing to pay.

Put your ads in one of the MLM/Internet business related ezines, and you are guaranteed many qualified leads who will be easy to convert into downlines if your MLM company has a good follow up system.

2. Marketing an Online MLM with Pay Per Click

This is one of the most powerful online MLM promotion method known today. Well known search engines such as Google set aside a portion of their search result page to be used by paid advertisers to put their ads on. For every "click" to your site, you must pay a certain amount of money (starting from as little as 5 cents).

With this marketing method, your MLM promotional ad can show up on the search result page of Google if somebody types in MLM related queries in the search box. Imagine the power of it. A lead wanting to join an MLM program, typing in the word "MLM program" into Google, and reads your ad when the search results are displayed. Will he click to find out more? Most likely.

Most of the wrong ways of doing online MLM marketing are free methods. Avoid this seemingly money free methods. They seem to be free at the first glance, but in the end they bring you very little result and consume very much of your time.

All of the right ways of doing online MLM marketing are paid methods. Most beginners in MLM try to avoid these methods, yet they bring in the most result with no wasted time on your part.

Duplication: The RoadMap To Success For Newbies In MLM  

Posted by Roger Smith

So now that you’ve decided which mlm company you will join and have begun building your downline, how would you go about maximizing your overall residual income? By becoming a leader.

Now,I don’t want you to get overly excited, it isn’t as hard as it sounds. I simply mean that you should begin training people in your downline the exact same system that you are using that got you were you are today. By training them in this manner, no one person has to become a heavy hitter, to start earning a large income. With a duplicatable system, each team member in your downline only needs to achieve moderate success for everyone in the organization to begin earning the type of income you have dreamed about.

I recommend you conduct your training through the use of the internet, automation and technology. By this I mean using group meetings,e-mail and voicemail messaging to conduct your training, especially if you have built an organization nationwide. This allows you to train several members of your downline at once, maximizing the use of your time.

The easier you can make it for your downline to follow in your footsteps and achieve success, the more likely that each individual member will take action and begin building their own organization. This in the end will obviously help everyone in achieving their goals.

MLM Attraction Marketing: What's In It For Me?  

Posted by Roger Smith

What's in It For Me (W.I.I.F.M?).... Years back when I first got involved in network marketing I was looking for ways to add new associates to my team; I had to proactively go out and seek them.

The marketing strategies I was taught and used included networking and proactively go to my primary companies weekly hotel meetings, along with keeping in touch with my contact list of friends and business associates in the hopes they would refer me to new open minded business recruits.

This type of marketing efforts supported my business 100% in the early years. I'm embarrassed to admit it because I should know better, that's when I fell off the marketing wagon.

I just didn't have the time. Or, I guess one could argue, I just didn't make the time nor did I really want to keep up this type of lousy marketing efforts. Not an ideal scenario by any stretch. But it's also pretty typical, especially for new associates who are learning to become leaders. Then, 2 years ago, I discovered attraction marketing. With attraction marketing you attract qualified leads TO your business so you don't have to go out chasing them.

You forget about "selling" and you focus on "serving."

And just like a magnet, you start attracting new and eager prospects. They see you or hear you or read something you've written and if it resonates with a problem or need they have, they come to you. Can you imagine what it would be like to have new prospecting leads emailing you, calling you and visiting your web site all on their own? Instead of you having to track them down and convince them to call, email or visit your website?

That's attraction marketing. And it's so much easier and comfortable than traditional sales and marketing.

And, if you do a good job of creating a very clear and concise positioning for yourself and your business, you'll attract exactly the right clients and anyone who is not a good fit for your services will not be attracted.

You can actually focus on doing what you do best and THAT is what attracts new prospects to you. Yes, you do have to put a few elements in place to start generating awareness of you, but again it becomes more about serving than selling. The best part is, you can get off the revenue roller coaster and create a more steady business this way. Because you always have new prospects coming into your marketing funnel.

Attraction marketing doesn't have to replace your other methods of marketing. For example, I still network and keep up with my relationship marketing and speaking/teleseminars. But it sure is an easy way to really step up your results and practically put your marketing on auto-pilot.

Newbies Listen Up...Step Up Your Leadership Game In MLM  

Posted by Roger Smith

Have you felt the need for an effective leader in your work place because basically there aren't any around? Have you felt frustrated that there are a lot of activities and yet nothing seems to get accomplished? Targets and objectives are forgotten. Is it then time for you to do something about it?

It is a basic instinct for most people to follow the leader in the crowd and be content. But maybe deep down inside you are different and want to break away from the masses and use the god given qualities and talents that make you want to take the lead and achieve results.

Even if you think you currently have some qualities of a leader, you still need knowledge, practice, drive, tenacity, experience and enthusiasm to be a good leader.

To be an effective leader, one must be able to influence others to accomplish goals, to contribute to the organization and and group. Leadership is not about using positional power to drive people. It is the ability to bring together the team so that they can see the value of the end result that needs to be achieved. This way the actions they take are driven by something bigger than themselves.

There can be no leader without followers. People must want to follow you. But how so?

You yourself must have a clear vision for your group. Having a clear understanding about your groups strenghts and weaknesses, knowing who the bosses are, who to talk to, the organization's goals and objectives, and how the organization works is the only way to show others you know what you are doing.

Being a leader is not about what you make others do. It's about who you are, what you know, and what you do. You are a reflection of what you want others in your group to be.

If the team has trust and confidence in you, they will go that extra mile for you. This can only be built on good relationships, trustworthiness and high ethics. The way you deal with people will decide whether you get the team's trust and confidence. Servant leadership is very effective in achieving this. The team will know that you will not ask them to do anything that you yourself will not do.

Good communication capability is important for good leadership. You must be able to clearly state the end result desired and the steps required. It also includes the ability to listen and respond accordingly to the team. Communication to the users or customers and to management is also crucial. There will be good and bad news to be communicated to the different parties. You need to have the capability to tactfully handle especially the bad news.

Leaders do not have to know everything and neither should you claim so. While you may have some skills, you should know and effectively use the skills and talents of your subordinates. This takes time and patience. You may be tempted to take certain actions yourself as your subordinate takes a longer time. Remember though that you are taking time from your leadership responsibilities and also taking away your subordinate's opportunity to gain experience.

Being an effective leader in MLM takes time, patience and tenacity. If you have the drive and desire to be an effective leader, then start right were you are today. Take charge and achieve results with whichever team you are with right now. There are people who will happily give up the hard work required of a leader.

© 2009 Copyright Magnetic Leadership Marketing. All Rights Reserved

The 6 Fundamentals A Newbie Needs To Master Magngnetic Sponsoring  

Posted by Roger Smith

It works without fail, every time. It can work with everything you are selling or promoting. It works on the principle of giving before receiving, and of offering more in value than you recieve in money. Your prospect must perceive an increase for themselves in order to want to interact with you. Magnetic Sponsoring is the technique that does this. Then this same technique is used to convert a prospect to a sale or business partner.

1. What Type Of Prospect Should I Target?

It is important to target the right audience to your business. It is a misconception that people looking for business opportunities will be likely candidates for your Network Marketing business opportunity. You will have more success with people already in the business. If you can help network marketers with their sponsoring problems (and we have all have them) you may get a person who might bring a downline in with them.

2. How Do I Attract Them?

Position yourself as an expert in the field of MLM. Hang out at forums and answer some of the newbie questions. If you don't know any of the answers you will need to educate yourself on that topic. This isn't difficult as the amount of information on the internet today means you can learn about almost anything as quickly as you like overnight. Another way is to write some useful articles and post them to the article sites with a link to your website there they my be able to look at articles that you have posted and feel more comfortable and start viewing you as an expert.

3. What Do I Need To Do?

In order to attract the right network marketers you need to make sure your system for the product or program you represents works. This would include lead capture page(s), Google Adwords, Yahoo Marketing, Blogs, Social Network sites etc In fact, a whole system that you can let your prospects use once they join your team.

I have a complete system I give in it's entirety to my team to use to get the fastest possible start with my company. It isn't quite an autopilot system but very nearly. It has the capabilities of generating over 5000 signup's to the business over a 12 month period. So, in short, get your system up and running and document it so you can pass it on to your downline for them to build your business.

4. Did I Choose The Right Company?

It really doesn't matter what you are promoting or who the company is. In fact even the payment plan isn't that important. What does matter is the fact that YOU can help the prospect to get to the level you are at with a good sound step by step SYSTEM. It is the fact that someone who is successful and willing to pass on all knowledge that matters to the prospect and will have them signing up.

5. Creating Hope for People

Most people join Network Marketing because of two reasons. Inspiration or pure Desperation. You need to create hope in the minds of your prospects. They need to know that if they follow you they can and will be successful like you. This fact alonewill help you succeed. You must help others to become successful and you in turn will have success as well.

6. The Most Important Part

I am a true believer in the law of Karma and try help others at every possible opportunity I can. My team benefits from my learning everyday and I in turn earn from helping them, spiritually and financially. Try this...Help 3 people tomorrow without expecting a "thank you" from them and you will get a nice surprise. I promise you that if you try this you will be amazed.

I have lived by Karma for a longtime now and I enjoy all the good things that come my way. Sure I also work hard for the things that I have but I just know someone is looking out for me. Try this system I know you will love it. You may also join my team if you are lost in mlm and want some direction.

© 2009 Copyright Magnetic Leadership Marketing. All Rights Reserved

Creating Your Network Marketing Prospecting System  

Posted by Roger Smith

Ok, I think we’ve all seen and heard it before. “Join now and we’ll build it for you”, or “Join our downline building club and you’ll get rich”. I get many emails each week promising some variation of these statements. I’m almost positive you’ have too. Let’s be honest. I’ve even fallen for these scams myself, and you guessed it, not one of them made me rich.

An automated system would be great, but the truth is that it will never provide long-term success nor a large income. You see, people want to work with people, not web sites or emails, and with a failure rate of nearly 90%, there’s no debate that something is not working.

The question is what portion of the MLM Prospecting System needs to be overhauled and stream lined.

The answer is All of It!

Let me explain. You’ve probably been told to write down a list of your family and friends, order an affiliate web site, send out thousands of emails, or even waste money sending packages of flyers, booklets, audios or videos.

Don’t feel bad, I’ve tried it too, and all I accomplished by doing this was putting myself into deeper credit card debt, while my MLM Company made out like bandits by selling everyone marketing materials.

The truth hurts, but there it is. Now, what can the average person do to turn this situation into a profitable venture?

The first step is to think outside the box and be prepared to grow as a person, develop your skills, and commit yourself to success.

Now, what makes a powerful MLM Prospecting System work?

Before I disappoint you, let me just say that the most successful people in the MLM industry utilize a very simple system to build their businesses. It’s not about the Internet, computers, or guru marketing tactics. It’s much more simple than that.

There’s no magic bullet or super secret marketing tactic.

In a nutshell, your MLM Prospecting System should be built on a foundation of relationships. Web sites and emails cannot build relationships.

There are basically 5 elements to a strong MLM Prospecting System.

1. Lead Generation
2. Personal Contact
3. Presentation
4. Training
5. Mastermind Team Building

I will be detailing each of these topics in future articles, however, I want to briefly go over the basics of each element right now.

Lead generation is the basis for any MLM Prospecting System. You may have the knowledge to generate your own leads, or you can delegate this task to a reputable lead generator. You see, the one thing that successful people understand is the concept of delegating tasks. Find someone who is good at something and put them to work. It’s a win win situation.

Now, you have a lead generator that is producing hundreds, or even thousands of target market leads. What now? Simple, you personally invite them to evaluate your product or opportunity. Don’t waste your leads by sending them a generic email that they delete. Build the relationship with them and make a friend. This is not as difficult as it might seem. Always keep in mind that it should be based on their needs and not yours. If they honestly feel that you’re there to help them they will be much more receptive. People are much more attracted to a teacher than a salesman.

The presentation is where most systems fall apart. Remember, automated presentation systems do nothing when it comes to building a relationship. People not only want to hear about the company, product, and pay plan, but more importantly they need to know that they can succeed and they need to see that you have a simple, effective system in place that will help them. The key however, is not presenting to prospects one on one. The leaders are presenting to literally hundreds of people per day via a simple tool called the conference line. There is a certain skill and technique to be mastered here, but this is how large numbers are created in any MLM business.

Training is perhaps the easiest part of the MLM Prospecting system. Your goal is not to train everyone, in every aspect of the business. Keep in mind; the average person will never be a salesman or public speaker. So don’t teach them to do that. Most people are comfortable with working a job, so give them a job. Simply train them to contact your prospect list and set appointments for your “LIVE” presentation. This way they only need to learn this one skill to build a successful business. Just imagine, how fast your downline would grow if you had 100 people each inviting 2 people per day to your conference call presentation. That is how you create exponential growth. Anyone can be an appointment setter, but very few will ever master sales or public speaking, so use this to your advantage.

Finally, develop a Mastermind team. This is simply a group of 2 or more people with a common mindset. There is power in numbers and when you develop a strong Mastermind group your business will explode. Brainstorming with your team will result in a more streamlined MLM Prospecting System. Remember, you cannot do everything yourself, but as a team, you can accomplish anything.

In short, a successful MLM Prospecting System will never be based on computers or the internet. It will be based on YOU, and your ability to establish relationships, present your opportunity to large numbers, delegate simple tasks to your downline, and establish a Mastermind team effort.

The truth is that the most successful marketers in the world have been doing this for years, but they’re not teaching others how to do it for themselves. Once you start thinking like a leader, you’ll start generating the income of a leader.

© 2009 Copyright Magnetic Leadership Marketing. All Rights Reserved


Posted by Roger Smith

Most major and small business owners realize the importance of branding their company, but lack the skill to branding themselves on the internet. But most Internet Network Marketers are confused with all the fancy tools and words, like blogs, podcasts, rss, opt-in and auto responder. Others just don’t think the internet is really important. To overcome this, I have come up with a list of 6 steps to take your brand online.

1. Know your Market and create a brand statement.

Most people understand what Network Marketing is, but most do not their brand. Here are a couple of questions that will help you get clear on your brand. Why is your company in business? What will set you apart from the competition?

2. Create a hook impression.

Find words that can easily explain what your MLM company does. Don’t go into your “story”. Just state enough information to get your buyer’s mouth watering and take the bait.

3. Generating Leads "schools of fish" with website involvement.

Generate a subscriber base. Get your subscribers involved in your business by creating online questionnaires, polls and forums etc.

4. Build your keywords.

Go back to your brand statement and decide on fifteen keywords that are directly associated with your brand. Use these keywords in your web copy, in you’re ad campaigns and in your literature when available.

5. Write copy that identifies your brand.

When you write information on your website, include your brand’s warm friendly statements. The internet is a very cold and impersonal place, write as if you are writing to one of your friends. Everyone has their own voice, so why not let your brand have its own voice.

6. Be available.

Let your new prospects/subscribers be able to reach you by telling them you are available to them for Network Marketing Support. But most importantly when they do, be sure, you are representing yourself and your brand as clearly as possible.

Remember Rome wasn’t built in a day. These steps will take time. Continue to ask yourself, “Will this ________ represent my brand?” If you stay in tune with what you are trying to accomplish you can’t go wrong.

© 2008 Copyright Magnetic Leadership Marketing. All Rights Reserved

7 Surefire Tips On How To Get Ready To Put Attraction Marketing On Auto-pilot.  

Posted by Roger Smith

Attraction marketing is about making a customer for life not just making a sale. It's about connecting your passion in business with your perfect clients and customers and giving them a enjoyable experience with your company. People like buying but they hate being sold stuff.

Attraction marketing is based on alignment with Universal law and the principles of positive energy not on struggle, lack, and resistance. When using the principals of attraction marketing you are leading not selling. You need to give value and be of service every step of the way without giving away the store. These 7 tips will get you ready to put attraction marketing into action.

1. Begin with the end in mind- what are your big vision success intentions for your business? This is where you would look at what you REALLY want to create with your business in the next 5 years, it’s more than bottom line, its inspirational to you.

2. Get very clear on what you really want your business to do for you? Look at the amount of income you want, what your life will feel like with a successful business. What benefits will a thriving business bring into your life...?

3. How do you want to be of service and what contribution would you like to make in the lives of your clients and customers? It doesn’t matter if you have a service business or product business, the clear intention of being of service positions you for success from satisfied customers and their referrals.

4. What are you most passionate about doing in your business? Where you have passion you have confidence, enthusiasm, and success. You are magnetically attractive to your customers when you are being passionate about your work.

5. What are the solutions you really enjoy providing for your customers? When you are clear on the solutions you enjoy providing you are giving your customers a greater benefit. Your passion about delivering these solutions gives your customers an edge in solving their challenges and using your solutions for lasting effect.

6. What is a clear definition of your different client niches? Having specific and clearly defied niches does not limit your audience, in fact it broadens and deepens your pool of customers and makes them much easier to market to. Clearly defining your niches is as much about who would be a perfect customer in your mind as it is about their characteristics, demographics, psychographics...

7. Take stock of where you are- has success been a struggle for you? Do you seem to have the same resistance and road bocks? Does it seem like you have a self imposed glass ceiling to your financial flow? Are there any beliefs you hold about your own success that are getting in your way? You will need to become aware of these and dissolve them before you can become an attraction magnet to success on your terms.

Attraction marketing doesn't have to replace your other methods of marketing. For example, I still network and keep up with my relationship marketing and soon to come podcasting. But it sure is an easy way to really step up your results and practically put your marketing on auto-pilot.

© 2008 Copyright Magnetic Leadership Marketing. All Rights Reserved

How to Attract and Excite Your Prospects  

Posted by Roger Smith

When you hear the word “marketing” what comes to mind? More business or wasted money? If your experience with marketing or advertising has been less than positive your cynicism may be well founded. Yet, have you ever noticed a competitor with a mediocre product and a healthy business? The difference is often marketing.

Some say they’ve never done marketing and don’t need to because of good word- of-mouth. Positive word-of-mouth is great, but not enough if you’re serious about growing your business. Others do invest in marketing yet treat it as a necessary evil. The problem with that mindset is that it’s driving with the brakes on. Those people sabotage their efforts by making poor decisions, taking half-measures and often resisting anything innovative.

When asked about the “one big key” to marketing success I reply that there’s nothing more important than a “marketing mindset”. A marketing mindset is an attitude, a way of thinking, that values and embraces the power of marketing. If you look at the companies and brands that are most successful -- Nike, Microsoft, Virgin, Trump, Saturn, Kenneth Cole, etc -- you’ll find someone at the top with a marketing mindset. People like Trump, Cole, and Virgin’s Richard Branson may have it instinctively. For most, however, it’s a learned attribute. So, if you don’t have a marketing mindset yet, keep reading and start to get one.

Follis Fact #1
You need a Marketing Mindset.

Attracting vs. Chasing

A guy sees a beautiful woman in a bar, tracks down her name and number, calls her up and says, "Hi, my name is Joe and I’m great in bed." That’s cold calling. Another guy sees a beautiful woman in a bar and gives her a napkin that says, "I’m Bill and I’m great in bed." That’s direct marketing. A third guy sees a beautiful woman in a bar, has his ex-girlfriend go up to her and say, "See that cute guy over there? He’s my ex, his name is Tom, and he’s really great in bed." That’s PR. Last guy walks into a bar, a beautiful woman approaches him and says, "Hi, my name is Courtney and I hear you’re really great in bed." That’s effective marketing.

Attraction is the essence of marketing. When you create enough desire to get your prospect to come to you, they’ll always be more predisposed to buying. That bares repeating. When you create enough desire to get your prospect to come to you, they’ll always be more predisposed to buying. The challenge, of course, is that your prospect is elusive prey. So, imagine the first rabbit hunters. They’d exhaust themselves

using spears and rocks until a more evolved Neanderthal got the idea of using carrots. Or, imagine the girl who desperately wants a date, but can’t understand why she scares guys away when she chases them. Unfortunately, too many businesses act like that girl chasing for a date by putting lots into selling and nothing into marketing.

Follis Fact #2
It’s always better to attract than chase.

Expense vs Investment

Those who don’t understand marketing view it as an expense. Those with a marketing mindset know it’s an investment. They know that, if done right, it can excite their prospects and produce a great return. “Done right” means well- researched, well-managed, and generally handled by someone who knows what they’re doing. Regarding expense, being a small business is a bad excuse to do nothing. Start small, but do something. There are plenty of cost-effective, non- traditional ways to do a test. So, if you want to grow, you can’t afford not to develop a marketing plan.

Have a Great Product

At the risk of stating the obvious, a big key for marketing success is having a great product. In his best-selling book, Purple Cow, marketing guru Seth Godin calls it, "being remarkable." It’s about having a product or service that’s exceptional.

Though many non-remarkable products may seem to do well because of great marketing, no long-term success can be achieved without a great product. In fact, if a product is not great, great marketing will usually make it fail faster. People will buy it, not like it, and never buy it again.

Case in point: Ever see an exciting teaser for an upcoming movie? It can make a lot of people run out and buy a ticket. The problem starts a couple of weeks later when folks see the movie, hate it, and then spread the word. Before you know it, the movie’s gone. Here’s another case. Remember New Coke? If not, you’re not alone. It didn’t last long. Despite the marketing muscle that Coke put behind it, the Coke- drinking public decided they were quite happy with the old Coke. Another case involves a new tropical hotel. Eager to jump-start his business the owner got tour directors and travel writers to check it out and hopefully generate some good buzz. Problem was, the hotel wasn’t finished. Had he waited a couple more months he would’ve gotten great reviews. Now he’ll be lucky if those tour directors and writers give him another shot.

If businesses spent less energy trying to sell their product and more on improving it, they’d have more success in the long run.

Follis Fact #3
Great marketing will make a bad product fail faster.

Follis Fact #4
The better your product, the better your marketing can be.

Excite vs. Inform

A lot of marketing doesn’t do the whole job. It informs, but doesn't excite. The fact is, it doesn't matter if you have the best product if you're not getting prospects excited. If you don't excite your prospect, you won’t sell your product. So, how do you excite your prospect? Start by acknowledging that your prospect isn’t just a prospect. She’s a person with emotions who doesn’t respond with just her head. She responds with her heart, soul, and funny bone. As a marketer, you must tap into the right emotional and psychological nerve that gets your prospect excited.

For example, when Canon wants to sell its new camera to families, they’ll tout its high-tech features, but that’s not ultimately how they’ll sell it. They’ll sell it by associating those features with the things that we, as humans, care about ... a child’s first steps, a great vacation, or a 90th birthday celebration. When Chrysler targets NFL-watching guys with a spot for its new sports car, there’s a reason they use quick cuts, heavy-metal music, and mention it goes 150 mph. Will you drive 150 mph? Doubtful. Does that still excite the macho male libido? Absolutely.

Follis Fact #5
If you want’em excited about your product, you’d better get’em excited about your marketing.

© 2008 Copyright Magnetic Leadership Marketing. All Rights Reserved

Learn The Secrets of The Gods of MLM and Network Marketing  

Posted by Roger Smith

The industry gets the idea. The big players know how to look for and "how to assess" a network marketing company, and the following three questions allow them to eliminate 95% of the companies they see:

1.Would I really buy this thing if I was not going to get a check?

Generally speaking, if the product is not one that you'd have any interest in, then your not going to be a success selling it. The key to your success is personal passion. Heavy hitters find something that they can stay pumped and motivated about no matter what happens. They then identify with the group of people for whom the product is designed to be sold to. If the answer is no, they simply say "alright' and move toward another opportunity.

2.Would somoene really pay that they pay that price for the product or service?

If not, it's not likely that anyone else will either. They know that people are not going to automatically pay more for a product just because they might get a bonus check. Success in network marketing is all about getting the product to the end-consumer. Someone who actually wants it and is willing to pay for it. Without movement in sales, t he business will quickly fail and any recruits will bail within 90 days. And let's be honest: the MLM industry is notorious for over-pricing mediocre products just so the company can pay out commissions. The product has to have a value that meets or exceeds the price tag. Otherwise, it's a waste of time. The only people paying $4 for that bar of soap or $13 for that bottle of shampoo are the other distributors.

3.How many people are needed on the team to break even?

This is one of the most overlooked factors when selecting a company. Most people get so enamored by the pay plan chart and the dream of building a team of thousands of people that they never bother to do any basic 3rd grade arithmetic.

Any serious business owner knows how much money he has to bring in to make a
profit and he can tell you. 99.9% of network marketers have no idea.

And it's easy to figure up. Get a pencil and paper and follow along:

Figure up how much it costs for you to operate your business each month. Product purchases, website, marketing, etc. This is your overhead. (Example: $400 a month)

Figure up the average commission you earn on an enrollment when someone signs up and buys the same amount of product you do. (if you get paid different percentages on different levels, take an average of your top three levels) This should be a dollar figure, not a percentage figure. (Example: $5.25 per person in your downline)

Divide the figure in step A by the figure in Step B. This is the number of people that you require in your downline to break even. (Example: $400 divided by $5.25 = 76 people).

Leaders know they should be able to break even on expenses with only 4-8 people on the team. The longer the team goes without earning profits, the more likely everyone gets frustrated and quits.

Here's what the leader does locally:

Convinces a leader in another company of the superiority of his company and pay plan and markets to the other marketer. That leader brings most of his downline and suddenly there's a new big player.

Sizzle Cards: Drops cards everywhere he goes so that every trip becomes a business trip to "distribute marketing materials" so even pumping gas becomes tax deductible. Those cards are so good that they get people to call the leader and he can brag about how he went to the top of the company in a hurry and by just doing what he teaches, that prospect can do the same. Sizzle cards, however, work great at any level in network marketing.

Here's what the leader does online:

Uses a list already created by a successful marketer and does a joint venture with the owner, maybe even paying to sponsor the owner for the owner to recommend the program to his list of highly qualified leads. Lots of people join and the big player goes up the ladder.

The leader also has automated traffic going to his sign-up site, a web page so well designed that it converts and recruits like crazy. Anybody can set up their own fully automated traffic system and get targeted prospects just like industry leaders. To set your own up for free, just click here.

Those are the secrets of big dogs, they leverage. Leaders realize that their most precious asset is time so they use it getting the time and efforts of other people to pay off for them.

Can anybody do what they do? Yes, but it requires persistence, diligence, lots of guts, and determination. Start with what you can do on your own, get some awesome sizzle cards and generate automated traffic to your own website.

© 2008 Copyright Magnetic Leadership Marketing. All Rights Reserved

Compressing A Diamond Out Of Coal...Find The Stand-Out MLM Leaders In Your Organization.  

Posted by Roger Smith

Finding leads that stand out from the others can be difficult, but it is vital that you sort through all the facts to find them. These new leaders are the ones that will have the biggest impact on your business. They will be the ones that will bring you more recruits, and if trained properly they will train their recruits on how to prospect and recruit more. Finding leaders is how you are going to build a successful downline as oppose to a downline that will drop out after a month. With all that being said, how can you identify the MLM leaders in your prospective groups?

Your first indication of finding leaders will be the one(s) that are always trying to better themselves by being everywhere. They will never miss a conference call, you will always find them hanging around forums, and they are always looking for other events to pick up tips and information. You can count on them not to just wait by the phone for a call with instructions because they will already be on the phone contacting you.

The best leaders are teachable and trainable and always open for new ideas. By being almost everywhere they are eager to learn as much information as they can. They are not afraid to ask questions and look forward to receiving positive feedback that can help them in the long run. If you are there for them I can guarantee these MLM leads will be there asking for advice.

Your next identification factor of your MLM leader is how motivated and willing they are to work. In this business you must have the will to put in the time to see the results. The best leaders will be available for anything that will expand their personal growth. Not everyone is in this for a full-time job and you don’t have to be full-time to be a great leader. However, even the part-time leader will produce the same energy as a full time worker. They are available for anything and everything that will help build them, you, and the group as a whole.

The last piece to identifying your leaders is finding how consistent they are. If they are producing some of the time and are only available for some of the conference calls, they probably are not that stand-out you’re looking for. Part of being available all the time is being consistent; working hard and attempting to better themselves through training all the time is being consistent. You have to find the people that are willing to do whatever it takes ALL THE TIME to succeed and then you will find the true leader.

There are a lot of things you have to focus on to find your best MLM leader. However, once you find them you have to give them all the tools and attention possible knowing that these are the people that will lift your business to new heights. By finding a few leaders you will be on your way to building a solid downline and a successful MLM business.

© 2008 Copyright Magnetic Leadership Marketing. All Rights Reserved

6 Steps A New Associate Needs To Do To Make The MLM Brand Online.  

Posted by Roger Smith

Most major and small business owners realize the importance of branding their company, but lack the skill to branding themselves on the internet. Most small business owners are confused with the fancy tools and words, like blogs, podcasts, rss, opt-in and auto responder. Others just don’t think the internet is really important. To overcome this, I have come up with a list of 7 steps to take your brand online.

1. Know your Market and create a brand statement.

Most people understand that this is MLM, but most do not their brand. Here are a couple of questions that will help you get clear on your brand. Why is your company in business? What will set you apart from the competition?

2. Create a hook impression.

Find words that can easily explain what your MLM company does. Don’t go into your “story”. Just state enough information to get your buyer’s mouth watering and take the bait.

3. Generate "schools of fish" with website involvement.

Build a subscriber base. Get your subscribers involved in your business by creating online questionnaires, polls and forums etc.

4. Build your keywords.

Go back to your brand statement and decide on fifteen keywords that are directly associated with your brand. Use these keywords in your web copy, in you’re ad campaigns and in your literature when available.

5. Write copy that identifies your brand.

When you write information on your website, include your brand’s warm friendly statements. The internet is a very cold and impersonal place, write as if you are writing to one of your friends. Everyone has their own voice, so why not let your brand have its own voice.

6. Be available.

Let your new prospects/subscribers be able to reach you. But most importantly when they do, be sure, you are representing yourself and your brand as clearly as possible.

Remember Rome wasn’t built in a day. These steps will take time. Continue to ask yourself, “Will this ________ represent my brand?” If you stay in tune with what you are trying to accomplish you can’t go wrong.

© 2008 Copyright Magnetic Leadership Marketing. All Rights Reserved

Warning...5 Avoidable MLM Mistakes Newbie’s MUST Avoid  

Posted by Roger Smith

Starting out as a new associate in your business can be one of the most confusing and frustrating times that you will face. You will be pulled from one side to another from people telling you that you should do this and that , while finding your own fit and place of comfort in your day today marketing. I decided to list what I saw as 5 of the most costliest mistakes a new marketer will face when they first start out and how to avoid them.

1) Avoidable mistake: mailing sales packages to cold lists

By now you should know what a cold list is. In case you don’t know, it is a list of names of people who are not at all interested in the offer made by you. They generally don’t ask for more information about your offer. The bitter truth is they are indifferent to your interests and do not care how big your company is.

If you mail your opportunity to this ‘frozen’ list, you will be simply wasting your money. The members of this list are cold to your information and believe that it is trash.

So avoid this mistake and only mail the ‘warm leads’ who request more information about your opportunity. It is important to learn how to generate your own warm leads, rather than spending a fortune on leads that have been resold many times over.

2) Avoidable mistake: not building a warm relationship with the prospects

You have not tried to build a good reliable relationship with you new prospects you have made. But, you still think that those prospects will risk their bank balance with you for acting as their sponsor. Nonsense! This is a vain hope on your part.

3) Avoidable mistake: mailing the prospect more than one offer

A sure way to irritate your prospect is to mailing him more than one mlm offer. If one finds a bouquet of mails, the mails find their way certainly to the trash bin.

4) Avoidable mistake: your reluctance to spend money on training

Like any other legitimate business, certain methods are necessary to follow in network marketing to make money out of it. You must work on learning the ropes of this business. You should always spend enough money to buy training materials, course, tapes, books and other things. The right training is necessary to obtain profits from the business.

5) Avoidable mistake: your refusal to work hard

MLM talk about working hard to make money in every possible way. But the concept of working hard tragically doesn’t appear in most of their daily marketing routine! This is certainly a misunderstanding on the part on them. And the reason of the lack of working hard is laziness!

The truth is all are not born with equal mentality. It’s easier to watch television rather than to make follow-up calls.

If you want to succeed in network marketing, make sure that you avoid these 5 mistakes. Take the time to learn how to generate the best leads and get the training of how to contact them, what to send them, and how to convert them into distributors. Keep charging, don’t get discouraged. God bless.

© 2008 Copyright Magnetic Leadership Marketing. All Rights Reserved

Focus On Long-Term Prosperity In Your MLM Business...Residual Income.  

Posted by Roger Smith

I would have to say probably anyone currently working a full time 8-5 job has had days when they think that starting a home business would be better than what they are doing now. There are many reasons for this, but most people forget to ask themselves whether they, in fact, are ready to start one. Asking this and many other personal questions means that you have thought through all the implications of running a business and the requirements, and sacrifices you may need to make.

Once you have thought through all the in's and out's of running a business, the next question is the nature of the business you wish to promote. There are unlimited opportunities available to home business seekers. There are all sorts of programs out there and many of them offer some sort of residual income. Then there are MLM companies that also offer great incomes. You need to evaluate these options and find the one that suits you best.

Choosing the right home business is not a quick task, but is a small project that needs careful handling.

One reason people look into starting a home business is that it is no longer practical to rely on your employer or the government to take care of you once you retire. The economy, in the past was a standby for many but then there is always the risk that can make the market plunge without notice that does not make for comfortable thinking, especially when your retirement savings are on the line.

Having your own home business and working towards a residual income is a great way to providing yourself with the leverage of a comfortable retirement. Residual income is income that continues to generate itself even when you are not making any effort.

What we can do is recommend products and services that we find useful and beneficial to others. This is where a home business comes into the picture and especially in MLM. Most of us are already recommend products to others but we never realized it because we never thought about it.

The way MLM works is that you recommend products or services to other people. So, if the company makes a good product, like vitamins, and you make a sale, then every time that consumer buys more vitamins, you keep getting commissions. You only have to make the sale once.

The true residual income comes when your customers recommend the same product to more people. This doesn't require you to do anything at all. The moment your customers start bringing in customers of their own, it begins a cycle where every new customer n will give you some percentage as a commission merely for having started this process. Basically, you could be generating a huge income doing nothing.

The hardest part in this is to make that first sale, or number of sales, to customers who are good at bringing in more customers of their own. This involves networking and marketing skills that require some amount of training.

There is no shortage of MLM business training materials on the Internet. The businesses deal with a wide range of products and you can certainly take your pick of them.

Just remember that, though this sounds very good, it is still a business and like any other business, you will need to work at it before you begin seeing results. Do not expect overnight success despite what you may see or hear out there. You will need to think like a business owner who knows how to plan and create strategies to succeed.

A home business will require you to set aside at least 20 hours per week that you will need to spend on building your business and promoting the products of your choice. You will eventually need to find means of recruiting people who can help grow your network of customers and co-affiliates that will generate further sales for you.

Once you have a good sized network, things become automatic and residual income becomes a reality.

© 2008 Copyright Magnetic Leadership Marketing. All Rights Reserved

The Most Important Advice You Will Ever Get...MLM Leaders Are Readers!!!  

Posted by Roger Smith

A well noted business leader once said that he could predict where anyone would be in life financially in 5 years. It was simply a matter of the books one reads and what they do with their spare time.

Remember this...Leaders Are Readers. Simple as that, if you are going to be a leader of a large network marketing organization you must be a eager reader. There are books on almost every subject matter in the business. Some of these are going to serve you especially well as you build your business. Here are some tips that you should look out for in your journey.

1. People Skills

Relating well to people and making new friends is what this industry is all about. You must become an expert in and at meeting people and feeling comfortable with people.

2. Sales Skills

No matter what network marketing business you are involved with it will help you immensely to have some salesmanship skills. Often, business plans are presented in a way so as to make it sound like selling products is not necessary, but I promise you that all the people making big money in network marketing know how to sell. Contrary to popular belief, it is not a skill you are born with. It is a skill that is learned and practiced.

3. Marriage/Relationship Books

Many network marketing participants are husband and wife teams. Even if you are single, you must read some books on marriage because you will probably have married couples in your downline. Divorce and marriage scandals can destroy your network marketing business overnight, so don’t take this lightly.

4. Leadership Books

If you are serious about building a large organization or having a large customer base then you are going to have to become a skilled leader of people. There are many popular leadership authors out there.

Make sure you are reading every day. If you have never read consistently before then just start with 15 minutes per day. Eventually, you want to work your way up to where you are reading for 30-60 minutes at least each day.

Each one of these ideas is critical to your success. It’s also a good idea to check out some of the other resources available at They have some good articles that cover the basics of building a solid network marketing business.

© 2008 Copyright Magnetic Leadership Marketing. All Rights Reserved

Use The Power Of The Internet...How You Can Take Advantage Of It In Your MLM Business  

Posted by Roger Smith

Most new associates who try to leverage the power of Internet to build their MLM business wake up to a very rude awakening that Network Marketing in the Internet age requires a whole lot more than just having a company replicated web site and their other company's marketing materials.

Basically your internet marketing program for your MLM opportunity should fulfill four critical functions in order to peek the interest of your prospect to the point where they either come back to you for more information, or they remove themselves from your prospecting funnel.

1- Promote yourself as a professional.

First of all, your prospecting system should promote you as a professional. This adds to your credibility and makes it easier for your prospects to understand that you are serious about your business and that you are capable of helping them.

To achieve this, whatever you use to begin to promote your business should somehow be professionally marked as coming from you. This is not to say that you must be the author or presenter of the material, but that material should be accompanied by some promotional entity which depicts you as the epicenter of professional information.

By promoting yourself first as a source of information, you will eventually build trust and rapport with your prospects, increasing their chances of allowing you to help them solve their problems.

2- Emotionally engage your prospect.

The second function of your marketing system should be to emotionally engage your prospect so that they can relate to the information on a personal level. By presenting a compelling presentation, your prospect’s mind will be more accepting to the information that follows.

Remember that the reason your prospect is examining your information in the first place is because they have indicated a specific discontent that they need to have serviced. Your marketing system should remind them of the feelings of discontent that they experience, so that they become excited about the possibility of solving that discontent.

Since most decisions are made based on how we feel, it is critical that your prospect become emotionally involved. This emotional involvement will help your prospect to make the decision to continue exploring your information.

Appeal to your prospects emotional senses using specific questioning, a generic audio, video or on-line presentation which brings your prospect’s sense of discontent back to the surface in order to prepare them for the next step.

3- Educate your prospect.

The third function of your marketing system should be to educate your prospect so that your prospect is clear that this is a network marketing business.

Don’t trick your prospect into attending a meeting or live presentation if they are unaware that your business is MLM. This turns people off, and makes them feel manipulated and it puts you in a position where you may have to deal with those objections yourself.

Use a system that informs the prospect of the nature of your business without your input. That way, you will not attract difficult questions from your prospect. If your prospect is completely un-accepting of the network marketing business model, they will bow out.

By using a video or other tool to inform your prospect that your business in Network Marketing, you allow the prospect to review and consider the information on their own time on their own terms. They will be much more appreciative of this consideration than if they had invested time to attend a lengthy “opportunity meeting”

You want to know if your prospect is resistant to network marketing at this point so that you can stop investing time in trying to recruit someone who does not want to be recruited. This is a major problem area for most new inexperienced network marketers in their first year.

4- Pre-qualify your prospect.

The fourth function of your marketing system is to pre-qualify your prospect by requiring some sort of action on the part of the prospect.

Have them fill in a form on-line, or complete a short questionnaire. If your prospect completes the required action, after they have been educated, that will tell you that your prospect understands what your business is all about and they are accepting of the concept and they are likely open to exploring your offerings further…otherwise they would not have completed the process.

The reason this is so important is because by giving your prospect a task to complete, you are pre-qualifying their level of commitment to solving their discontent, and you are giving them an easy way out in that if they decide that they are not interested in following through any further, they simply won’t complete the task.

This removes the rejection factor completely from the equation, and allows you to invest your time only with those prospects who have demonstrated a sincere interest by completing the tasks requested of them.

The marketing system that I use is a compilation of generic systems, connected together to form an effective and easy to follow marketing and pre-qualification system which can be used by any network marketing professional in any network marketing business.

© 2008 Copyright Magnetic Leadership Marketing. All Rights Reserved

Are You Building For Long Success? Relationship Building In MLM  

Posted by Roger Smith

Ever thought of going into network marketing on the internet excluding the importance of creating relationships?! Well, relationships are key in network marketing because relationships are the pillar of this business. Without it will make your business fail! You must constantly be thinking about the costs of building long term relationships.

Many people over the years have looked into and studied what network marketing is all about and have opted for it. They feel that it is a business especially made for them! But why do they think so?

Those people when they first decided to came aboard into this venture approached their own inner circle which was believed by him or her to be a good market. But after a couple of years many of this circle have formed a better market for him. What is the reason behind this? The simple answer is warm relationships. Those marketers have created friendship and a close relationship with a section of that circle which is impressed by the marketers’ approach towards them and rely on them seeing them sticking to the same company.

Now building relationship with the business partners in an internet marketing business is little difficult as it is believed to be the cold market. But the task is not impossible! You can create friendly relationship with them through the internet. Some have a duplicatable system on the internet.

Give an extra effort to build relationships online. Advertise yourself and your opportunity everyday. You have to be hard working to achieve what you want.

After all these works, finally arrives the time to communicate with individuals on telephone to estimate their quality. Thanks to the internet system, you can now speak with the persons with whom you have already created a warm relationship.

You can become a promoter of the network marketing industry by creating an online presence. You can help the industry by writing articles for its promotion. This can lead to contacts from network marketing professionals.

Concentrate on the fact that you want to make your business long lasting and permanent. So creating relationship with your business partners is necessary to generate a long term income. You can’t afford to start from scratch all over again!

Your mind now must be racing with the idea of the possibilities of building a network on the internet. It is possible if you are provided with a quality duplicatable system, desire to achieve success, a reputed business company, wish to follow up and last but not the least strong and stable relationships. These relationships make you secure for a long period.

The concept of network marketing business is founded on relationships. The importance of relationships in this business can not be overstated. Neglecting to improve relationship with your team members will only endanger your business in the future.

© 2008 Copyright Magnetic Leadership Marketing. All Rights Reserved

How A Newbie Should Market Their Network Marketing Opportunity Thru Social Networking  

Posted by Roger Smith

MLM or network marketing as a whole is a marketing principle in which a product is sold through a network of distributors. Which would mean, social networking is the backbone of any MLM opportunity. If you are a part of a social network sites online such as (MySpace,YouTube,Facebook...ect) then I can guarantee that you will get a decent start with your MLM prospecting activities. For some, who do not have a strong social network background or have never considered using it, selling their opportunity is one extra and very tough first step you will need to take before your marketing efforts begins paying you in decent returns. You need social networks because MLM products and services are sold on the basis of trust.

In the broad sense of things MLM involves, and revolves around your credibility. Reason being, a person believes in you because of your honesty and he or she feels that the products or services you are promoting are authentic because a ‘credible’ source is selling it. For one-time only sales marketing this mutual trust factor works wonders.

The next step comes when customers try your company’s products/services and based on their use, and experiences positive or negative feedback will come. Now, more business will come in through resale, and positive word of mouth brings in new customers through your already existing customers. This is networking and this is how it defines the flow of your network marketing business.

If you wish to establish an absolutely new social network, you may want to try network marketing prospecting sites. These sites provide you a list of leads and clients and also assist you in strategizing your promotional campaign. Online network marketing also gives you access to global customers. Since network marketing through internet is still an evolving area, it is better to refer to some online network marketing tips before proceeding to come up with your own.

Understand that MLM involves a network of people, it is very important that each network work like an organization. There should be a common and honest team effort towards marketing the product or service to reach fruitful results with new customers. Both success and failures are important in network marketing. If one succeeds in their social network, every distributor in that particular network gets a share of that success and vice versa.

Therefore, to target success, it is important that your network shares your winning formula and you share that of your networks.

© 2008 Copyright Magnetic Leadership Marketing. All Rights Reserved

3 Easy Steps MLM Newbie’s Can Attract And Catch Mlm Prospects Like A “Big Game Hunter”  

Posted by Roger Smith

So you want to attract network marketing prospects to you and your business opportunity but just don't know how to quite do it then keep reading this article is made for you.

So first things first, have you ever gone hunting before?

Well, even if you haven't you'll be able to see what I'm talking about. So what's the first thing you do when you go hunting?

#1: Go where the big game (your MLM prospects) are…

Everyone knows if you plan on catching big game, you have to go where the game is. That's the same thing for MLM prospects. You have to go where your prospects are hanging out, where they're going to, where they're swarming to and where they are found in heavy abundance.

So put on your thinking (hunters) cap… Where would a majority of new fresh prospects hang out, where are they already going, and where can I find them in high abundance? You guessed it...


But you might be asking where on the internet?

There are a many places that come to mind: forums, article directories, social networking sites, blogs, and the list goes on and on.

Now that you know a few places where you can find prospects merging in "high abundance" the next thing you need is to …

Step 2: Set the Trap…

So what trap can you use to attract your MLM prospects?

Well it's easy – "free ‘how to' information". What kind of "how to" information you ask? Information on "how to" build a successful business. Remember, your "ideal" prospect is someone who is already searching for information on "how to" build a successful home business.

A better way to put this is to offer "something valuable for nothing". Just think about the prey in the forest. When they see that "tasty" bait just sitting there – the prey will come to YOU because you offered it "something valuable for nothing" – a tasty meal.

And it's the exact same thing with your MLM prospects. When you offer them "something valuable for nothing" – in the form of free "how to" info, they'll flock to you and "bite" on the bait and give you their name and email address instead of you having to chase them down, as it should be.

Step 3: Slowly Bait Them In

So you got the prey to "bite" on the bait (you've got a prospect to give you their name, email address in exchange for your free information). Now you need to get them into whatever you have to offer. If you get too anxious – your prey is gone. So you have to SLOWLY reel them in.

This is done with MLM prospects through follow-up. You have to continue to draw them closer and closer to your business by giving your prospects valuable information and giving them the OPTION of checking out your opportunity afterwards on a continuous basis.

Most network marketers just pitch their opportunity up front giving it more or less a "hit or miss" approach and wonder why they aren't getting any prey in their trap (new reps into their business).

So if you're struggling with MLM prospects and aren't adding enough reps into your business than you might have hoped than simply follow these steps and soon enough you'll have more prey hopping into your business than you know what to deal with.

© 2008 Copyright Magnetic Leadership Marketing. All Rights Reserved

Being The Best Of The Best...How You As A Newbie Can Gain Their Brand And Become A Top MLM Internet Marketer  

Posted by Roger Smith

Let's get this straight, marketing is not for everyone. Most people especially today desire a sense of stability in lives and their jobs. They are wanting and looking for a typical 8 hour a day job that pays every two weeks all the time.

Internet marketing on the other hand is for the bold and adventurous. Why, because marketing involves a great deal of risk. It also involves a great deal of persuading others to believe in the marketer to buy the product or services he or she is trying to sell to them. For many newbie’s and seasoned mlm professionals this could be seen as too much of a risk.

But for some people in this industry this is a challenge they are willing to undertake. Those that chose to persevere in their vocation make great headway leading to increased success and stability. Good mlm marketers are known to earn much quickly.

But how does one become a successful mlm internet marketer? How would you acquire the skills that these earning machines possess?

1- It's not an marketing as a job.

Online mlm marketers earn their keep by making use of tools and techniques on the internet to market products and services. Their job is to come out up on top of all the marketers vying for attention of new business seekers on the internet. If they are able to do so and reach the consumer and or close a sale, they will be deemed successful in marketing sense.

2- What is the top internet marketer status all about anyway?

If you are able to guide and direct traffic and interest in a product, that person will be seen as a very good internet marketer. If the person is able to retain customers and create good relationships with them, that is another sign of a good marketer. If you (the marketer) are able to increase the image and reputation of the product or service you present, then you will be seen as a valuable member of the marketing arm for your particular company.

3- How'd they do that?

Hard work always pays off big in this department. Good marketing involves a great deal of studying, observing and imitating. Most successful marketers study successful marketing strategies and find out why these strategies work. They also try to emulate these strategies and adapt them to the product or service they promote.

These marketers are observant and quick to note strategies that work and strategies that do not. They also are inclined to note what made a marketing strategy or what made it fail. They also learn much from those that make mistakes. This leads them to avoid making those same mistakes too.

A successful marketer is always engaged with and is concerned about the welfare of his or her customers. Being concerned with customers reaps much benefit. For one, the customer, when he or she knows that the marketers they deal with care for them, will repeatedly do business with the company.

The business world is built of relationships. A top internet marketer knows this and uses this knowledge to their advantage.

The internet marketer is also patient. He or she has great timing. These people know when to wait for responses or when to push the advantage. They know they should not e pushy, so they wait. They know they should not be complacent so they push. This timing comes with practice.

They also put themselves in the shoes of the customer. This helps them guess how a customer will react to the various strategies marketers employ. They know how customers like to be treated so they treat them so.

4- Drive on baby!!

To become a top internet marketer, one has to take note of the above criteria. He or she must also me driven. Marketing is not for the passive. Sales go to those who search for them. Therefore, make sure your goals are clear and your drive is strong.

Pay close attention to the guidelines here in this article, and you may very well find yourself one of the top internet marketers around...of course second to me :)

© 2008 Copyright Magnetic Leadership Marketing. All Rights Reserved

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